Saturday, December 8, 2012

What Does Beeing Healthy Mean?

 Healthy ="optimum cell function." 

There's a word for the body's constant movement toward balance and health. It is called homeostatis.
If the body is creating a hormone or a chemical in excess, that's a warning signal that something else is wrong. If it's deficient in a hormone, or something (like fat) isn't being broken down or processed as it should be, that's also a sign something else is wrong.

Once again, to use the smoke detector analogy: it makes no more sense to take the batteries out of an alarm, go back to bed and throw the covers over your head because "it's inconvenient or annoying or too much work to get out of bed" than it does to take a pill and just turn off the warning signals when your physical body is screaming for you to notice something!

In simpler terms, one of the best examples of this in a health context is the use of antacids. You've probably seen the commercials. I know I have. I find it both infuriating and comical at once. There's a big guy at a game, shoveling a chili dog, pizza and beer into his face while watching the game. In the next seen he is holding his belly, miserable with indigestion and heartburn. 

 In the next scene a buddy hands him a "remedy" for heartburn. Awesome, now he can take in all the toxic food he wants, as fast as he wants and he won't have to "deal" with heartburn. Did he actually cure his heartburn, indigestion, acid reflux by taking the antacid? No. He just took the batteries out of a blaring smoke alarm! 
(Before you get offended, let me just say that I understand in some cases, occasional use of something to neutralize the stomach acids is necessary. I happen to know and prefer of natural methods to do this same thing. 

I've singled out this example because in my view, one could perceive that it's okay to consume toxic foods in excess, as long as it's not painful or uncomfortable to do so, thanks to the convenient package of (insert antacid of choice here). That's what I'm protesting and that's what I'm encouraging you to not fall for!)
Back to our poor guy suffering with heartburn...

His body is revolting and rejecting the poor excuse for food this man is shoving into his mouth. His body is screaming: No more please! Give me something I actually need! I can't do this! I wasn't meant to handle sugar, acid, refined and enriched foods like this! What is that stuff? Seriously? I don't need this ***!

The body's appropriate response to unidentified objects is ONE THING: reject! The body is trying on it's own to move toward health! Contrary to public opinion, that's a healthy response! The body is doing what's appropriate in the situation: trying to reject what was just shoved into it! But the heartburn is perceived as the evil thing because it's annoying and painful or uncomfortable.  That's why taking the pill, in this instance is just like removing the battery from the smoke alarm. 

So please, when your body is screaming at you, don't ignore it. Listen to it. You just may learn something!

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