Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Correct Approach To Wellness Is Key

It seems every time I turn around there's a new supplement or a new fad diet making the headlines. I have the feeling I'm not alone there. For every new capsule or pill or powder there are 50 different perspectives on how good or bad they are for us. The health industry can be about as confusing as the number of religions and denominations of each religion there are!

For those of us that haven't always had our health, we tend to approach health from 1 of 2 directions if and when we've survived a crisis of any kind. (I have) 
1) Live a reasonably healthy lifestyle, see your doctor regularly and hope for the best.

2) Learn more about how to take care of your health, be an independent thinker, and take a holistic view of health, rather than a symptom based view.

As you may have guessed, the second is where I fit.  
What does a "holistic approach"mean? Let me give you an example of the most common thing we can all relate to and show you the traditional approach versus my own.

What do you do when you feel a cold coming on? Nyquil? Chloroseptic? Halls? Call the doctor and get a prescription just in case? Okay, that's one way. Allow me to share with you what I do. It's more of a holistic approach and what's I'm committed to.

When I'm "fighting a cold" I do this:
  • Hydrate. Most viruses can be drowned with enough pure water
  • Avoid caffeine and sugar. Sugar flatlines your immune response and caffeine depletes what vitamin we may happen to have in reserve
  • Rest. Sometimes that's all I need.
  • Lysine Plus. It consists of echinacea, a natural antibacterial herb, garlic, another of nature's cures and propylis (its the stuff bees use to seal crevices in their hives! it's a powerful weapon against infection. Who knew!)
  • If I already have some congestion, I take a liquid form of chlorophyll. I mix it with water and guzzle it all day! (chlorophyll is what makes plants green, it helps give the blood more oxygen to fight viruses/bacteria. don't confuse it with chlorophorm!)
You can purchase most, if not all of the products I mentioned on Amazon if you wish.

Isn't it easier to just go down to the local drug store and buy (drug of your choice)? Sure, but here's the difference and the point of this entire blog.

I don't just want to feel better. I want to be better. I want to return my body to the state where it is able to heal itself. The fact I'm "fighting a cold" means that my body is run down, probably dehydrated and lacking important nutrients. So in my view it makes more sense to make my body an inhospitable environment for that virus looking for a home. 

Will the drug store approach yes? Sure, maybe even faster, but will I be healthier after downing the meds? Will my body be stronger, my immune system better off? No. That's my goal: to BE better, stronger, well. Not just to end the crisis (cold in this case) at hand. See the difference?

This cold and flu season, I highly recommend that you give your body a break. Don't burn the candle at both ends, eat toxic, sugary foods and then wonder why you're fighting the newest flu or cold. Take care, slow down and give yourself what you need to be well.

Silencing symptoms and not addressing the larger picture is a little bit like taking the batteries out of a smoke detector. Would you do that? I didn't think so. Don't do it to your body. Listen to the warning signs and be healthy! :)

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