Monday, December 10, 2012

It's Essential You Know: Lysine Kicks Butt!

Hey there, all.
So in the world of wellness there are several buzz words, as you know. (No pun intended.) ;) Just wanted to quickly touch on one that may confuse you some.

It is the word "essential."

Now we know what essential means in every other context right? It's "essential" that you wear a warm coat when it's cold, or that you have brakes in your vehicle, as they're "essential" for stopping! (As I personally experienced what it's like to not have them when you need them, I had to mention that one!)

In the context of your health, what does it mean?

Very simply it means, it's something your body needs but cannot produce on its own.
Dont' get grossed out now, but we couldn't say that saliva is "essential." Why? Because the body manufactures it (providing your body is functioning properly!)

An example of an essential element is Omega 3. That's the fatty acid that has been shown to be excellent for heart and brain health. It's something we have to supplement with (or find in seafood) because we as humans, do not create it on our own.

Another example of an essential element is Lysine.
Lysine is found in many foods (like eggs) but the reason it's so important is because it is one of the building blocks of protein! Additionally, it helps ensure proper growth.

In an earlier post I mentioned that I take lysine whenever I feel that I might be fighting a cold or flu. What I didn't mention was how it made a huge difference in my families life recently, when 2 members ended up with a nasty case of the shingles. Anti-viral meds made them sick, I did some research and found that Lysine sometimes helps people get over that awfully uncomfortable condition faster. Thankfully, my family proved to be among those that it did help and it was the only thing that seemed to help them both recover quickly! So, I'm not recommending you do anything you're uncomfortable with, I'm just telling you what has worked for us. Again, you're likely consuming Lysine as part of a balanced diet, but if you're not or you are not getting enough, you may want to have a chat with your doctor and/or do the research yourself and decide. That's it for now!

Have a healthy day!

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